picture of a trainer talking to a group of people at an acc event

Upcoming events

Upcoming Events

For continued professional development

We organise professional events related to different aspects of counselling and pastoral care. Most of our events are online which are easy to access, and are open to members and non-members.

They include:

  • counselling CPD events that focus on specific themes
  • pastoral care courses and workshops
  • free members forums (members only)
  • conferences

For events run by our members or other organisations, please visit here.

To explore training courses run by our organisational members, please visit here.

Showing 1 to 5 of 5 events

Easter Retreat: Beatitude Stations

The Beatitudes (Matthew 5v3-10) may be a passage very familiar to us, but that can mean that we skip over it without appreciating how radical and deep was this teaching of Jesus and its call to a life of discipleship to His followers throughout the ages.

Setting up and running a pastoral team

The purpose of this training is to help churches to set up and run a safe and effective pastoral care team. It is suitable for church members and leaders seeking practical information to assist them in setting up and running a pastoral team within a church context.

ACC events Members Only

Prayer Hour

An evening for ACC members to come and pray together

Foundations in Pastoral Care (Northern Ireland)

A 6-session course in Northern Ireland that supports the development of firm foundations for the practical provision of pastoral care with others.

ACC National Conference 2022

Back in December 2019 when a team of us gathered to plan for the next conference, we had a image of a banqueting table fully laden with choice food and all were invited to come and partake in the feast. It was a symbolic image of what we hoped the conference would offer (aside from good food!) that all from diverse backgrounds would feel invited to come, take what they like and share with others what they have.