Brighter Lives grants for churches and Christian mental health charities

Could your church or charity (and the people you support) benefit from Brighter Lives funding?
Benefact Trust (formerly Allchurches Trust) have recently launched a grant programme called Brighter Lives – Making a difference to people’s mental health, where they’re looking to support Christian charities and organisations in addressing the current mental health crisis.
The programme covers three main project areas:
- Supporting existing or emerging specialist services provided by churches and Christian charities for people struggling with mental health issues. Their focus is on the most vulnerable who may struggle to access support elsewhere. For example, counselling or similar therapeutic services, which could be delivered in-person, online or by phone.
- Enabling Christian organisations to train, equip and resource churches and Christian charities to provide: * enhanced mental health awareness and/or mental health first aid, * appropriate mental health and wellbeing support groups and services.
- Programmes to support the personal mental health and wellbeing of clergy and other church leaders/workers who may be suffering, particularly post-pandemic.
Churches and Christian charities can apply for funding through their website, where there’s also plenty of guidance available to help groups make their application as detailed and effective as possible.