five people standing together in a line

Pastoral care organisational membership

Pastoral care membership

Pastoral care organisational membership

We offer two types of pastoral care organisational membership:

  • Pastoral care organisational member – for organisations that offer pastoral care services, e.g. befriending, mentoring, listening helpline, pregnancy crisis service
  • Pastoral care organisational member (church) – for churches that are committed to developing and sustaining their ministry of pastoral care


  • Belonging to a UK wide ecumenical organisation committed to good practice in pastoral care, sharing collective wisdom and supporting and encouraging one another.
  • When membership is in date, organisational members can display “Affiliated with ACC” and ACC’s logo on their website.
  • Access to help and advice when needed.
  • Access to members-only resources on ACC’s website.
  • Access to the accord journal.
  • Discount on ACC events (for one named person per event).
  • Free access for staff and volunteers to members forums.
  • Free advertising of up to 5 events per calendar year where they are relevant for ACC memberships (for example, training, retreats, etc.).
  • Free advertising of paid roles on ACC website and via email to members.


You will need to follow ACC’s Guidelines for Good Practice in Pastoral Care, accept our Statement of Faith and agree to membership Terms and Conditions.

Apply now