

Make a donation

ACC is a registered charity (1018559). We are committed to providing professional support and resources to our members and promoting safe and ethical practice; we also aspire to keep the costs of membership and training as affordable as possible. Whether you are donating towards the general work of ACC or to a specific project, your donation will help us maintain our services and further develop our work and ministry.

Support the work of ACC

Your donation will help towards resourcing Christians in counselling/psychotherapy, developing pastoral care resources and support, promoting the work of ACC and our members, and related projects. Your generosity will also help us as a small Christian charity with a limited income to fund our planned growth and reach.

Development of Pastoral Care Resources

Since its foundation in 1992, ACC has been committed to ‘the encouragement, training and resourcing of pastoral carers’. Part of our mission is to be a Christian resource for individuals, churches and organisations which enables the missional purpose, potential and practice of pastoral care to be developed.

Support the work of ACC overseas

ACC support the work of local ministers in Uganda and Kenya to provide pastoral care and training, tailored to meet the needs of the communities in which they serve. We welcome donations to cover the costs incurred in delivering the care and training, often in very remote areas. All funds donated are given directly to those undertaking the work. We thank you in advance for supporting this transforming work. 

Campaign test for target showing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec erat nibh. Sed egestas aliquam pretium. Cras varius, justo ac facilisis laoreet, nibh quam posuere libero, quis porta velit neque fringilla augue. Nunc turpis tortor, fringilla quis efficitur nec, rhoncus non neque. Praesent risus dui, pharetra eget condimentum non, porta iaculis turpis. Nam dapibus magna eu metus lacinia luctus. Nam ac tristique sapien.

Campaign test 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec erat nibh. Sed egestas aliquam pretium. Cras varius, justo ac facilisis laoreet, nibh quam posuere libero, quis porta velit neque fringilla augue. Nunc turpis tortor, fringilla quis efficitur nec, rhoncus non neque. Praesent risus dui, pharetra eget condimentum non, porta iaculis turpis. Nam dapibus magna eu metus lacinia luctus. Nam ac tristique sapien. Morbi pellentesque dignissim justo. Nulla gravida lorem vel commodo gravida. Nulla sed erat eget purus tristique dictum. Morbi sed commodo sapien. Proin lacinia sagittis felis at imperdiet. Morbi tempus, massa at tincidunt pulvinar, massa est tincidunt erat, a vestibulum lacus velit eu sapien. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec a rhoncus odio, et elementum dui. Nam id sem eget ante commodo scelerisque. Vivamus malesuada in dolor eu dictum.